The Coding Machine

Posted December 5, 2017

The Coding Machine is an awesome project that was just added to the Swift Playgrounds app. While this app is recommended for middle school, I tried it last spring with third graders and was thrilled with how successful my students were with it. 

This year, I began coding with the students in the end of September and as expected, my 4th and 5th graders were very excited about it, begging me to let them work on it in their classroom free time and take it home (of course I said yes!)

I was excited when the Week of Code came around and I saw that Apple had released "The Coding Machine" activity for Swift. I had already planned to do code that week, but  quickly changed my plans to give my kids a chance with this. They LOVED it and, as an art teacher, I loved how different each of their machines turned out. It was awesome that the way they coded gave them different results and allowed them to personalize their project. To the left are the projects that students created.